Google Maps API Key
The plugin supports only Google Maps therefore it is required to have a Goolge Maps API key for the plugin to function. This is a free* service by Google.
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The plugin supports only Google Maps therefore it is required to have a Goolge Maps API key for the plugin to function. This is a free* service by Google.
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The plugin uses Google Maps Places API to autocomplete address search on any WordPress form. The API is required for the plugin to function. Users can use existing Google Maps API Key (with Places API activated) or get a new one by following How to get Google Maps API key help guide. The API gives 100,000 maps queries per day per account which is more than enough for small to medium websites.
Google Maps API Key gives 100,000 maps queries per day.
The search returns two place types 'geocode' and 'establishment'. This should allow users to search both by street address i.e '123 street name' and establishment name i.e 'The Awesome Cafe'.
The API key is not encrypted and has input type of 'password'. This basically turns the content in the field into password dots. The best way to prevent misuse of API Key is to limit it to website domain name when creating one.